World Factbook
Cabinda (province)
Cabot Strait
Caicos Islands
Cairo (capital)
Calcutta (city)
Calgary (city)
California, Gulf of
Cameroun (local name for Cameroon)
Campbell Island
Campeche, Bay of
Canal Zone (former name for US possessions in Panama)
Canarias Sea
Canary Islands
Canberra (capital)
Cancun (city)
Canton (city; now Guangzhou)
Canton Island (Kanton Island)
Cape Juby (region; former name for Southern Morocco)
Cape of Good Hope (cape; also alternate name for Cape Province of South Africa)
Cape Province (region; former name for Northern, Western, and Eastern Cape Provinces of South Africa)
Cape Town (legislative capital)
Caracas (capital)
Cargados Carajos Shoals
Caribbean Sea
Carpatho-Ukraine (region; former name for Zakarpattya oblast')
Carpentaria, Gulf of
Casablanca (city)
Castries (capital)
Catalonia (region)
Cato Island
Caucasus (region)
Cayenne (regional capital)
Celebes (island)
Celebes Sea
Celtic Sea
Central African Empire (former name for Central African Republic)
Ceram (Seram) Sea
Cetinje (capital city)
Ceuta (city)
Ceylon (former name for Sri Lanka)
Chafarinas, Islas (island)
Chagos Archipelago (Oil Islands)
Challenger Deep (Mariana Trench)
Charlotte Amalie (capital)
Chatham Islands
Chechnya (region; also Chechnia)
Cheju-do (island)
Cheju Strait
Chengdu (city)
Chennai (city; also Madras)
Chesterfield Islands (Iles Chesterfield)
Chihli, Gulf of (see Bo Hai)
Chiloe (island)
China, People's Republic of
China, Republic of
Chisinau (capital; also Kishinev)
Choiseul (island)
Choson (local name for North Korea)
Christmas Island (Indian Ocean)
Christmas Island (Pacific Ocean; also Kiritimati)
Chukchi Sea
Chuuk Islands (Truk Islands)
Cilicia (region)
Ciskei (enclave)
Citta del Vaticano (local name for Vatican City)
Cochin China (region)
Coco, Isla del (island)
Cocos Islands
Colombo (capital)
Colon, Archipielago de (Galapagos Islands)
Commander Islands (Komandorskiye Ostrova)
Comores (local name for Comoros)
Conakry (capital)
Confederatio Helvetica (local name for Switzerland)
Congo (Brazzaville) (former name for Republic of the Congo)
Congo (Leopoldville) (former name for the Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Con Son (islands)
Constantinople (city; former name for Istanbul)
Cook Strait
Copenhagen (capital)
Coral Sea
Corfu (island)
Corinth (region)
Corisco (island)
Corn Islands (Islas del Maiz)
Corsica (island; also Corse)
Cosmoledo Group (island group; also Atoll de Cosmoledo)
Cotonou (former capital)
Cotopaxi (volcano)
Cozumel (island)
Crete (island)
Crimea (region)
Crimean Peninsula
Crooked Island Passage
Crozet Islands (Iles Crozet)
Cyclades (island group)
Cyrenaica (region)