World Factbook
Wake Atoll
Wakhan Corridor (see Vakhan)
Walachia (region)
Wales (region)
Wallis Islands
Walvis Bay (city; former exclave)
Warsaw (capital)
Washington, DC (capital)
Weddell Sea
Wellington (capital)
Western Channel (West Korea Strait)
Western Samoa (former name for Samoa)
West Frisian Islands
West Germany (Federal Republic of Germany; former name for western portion of Germany)
West Island (capital)
West Korea Strait (Western Channel)
West Pakistan (former name for present-day Pakistan)
West Siberian Plain
Wetar Strait
White Sea
Wilkes Land (region)
Willemstad (capital)
Windhoek (capital)
Windward Passage
Winnipeg (city)
Wrangel Island (Ostrov Vrangelya)