C. Documentation
1. General
Team Leaders may make team members responsible for main-taining a daily log of activities with which they are involved. This log should include a chronology of significant events (departures, arrivals, meetings attended, individuals contacted, work accomplished, etc.). The log should be turned in to supervisors on request. The log is then turned in to the Planning function, where it becomes a part of the disaster response documentation and may also be used in the development of situation reports.
2. Types of Documentation
Each DART function receives and develops information that becomes a part of the disaster response documentation. The following list includes the types of documentation generated by each function.
Management. Delegation of authority from OFDA/W, disaster relief objectives, press releases, safety and security plans, and liaison plans.
Planning. Situation reports, disaster chronology (developed from individual logs and information gathered by Planning), maps, assessments, daily plans, personnel tracking, and grant status.
Logistics. Equipment and commodities tracking, accounta-bility documents, and equipment use information.
Operations. Work assignments, work accomplishments,assessments, and maps.
Administration. Fiscal accounting, rental and procurement agreements, receipts, personnel records, and petty cash records.
Communications. Communications plan, radio protocols, radio logs, and communications equipment information.