Field Situation Reporting Format

Field Situation Reporting Format

This sample identifies the basic information needed by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance in Washington, DC, (OFDA/W) or the Response Management Team for use in assisting and supporting the Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) and for assem-bling the OFDA/W situation report (sitrep) product. Each disaster will dictate additional information to be included in the field sitrep cable. Items to include are as follows.

1. DART field location, including city and country, and date

Sitrep Number.


2. Disaster data, including the sources of the information

  • Number affected.
  • Number of dead.
  • Number of displaced.
  • Number of injured.
  • Crude mortality rate (measured in deaths per 10,000 people per day).
  • Global acute malnutrition (GAM).
  • Severe acute malnutrition (SAM).
  • Availability of food and water.
  • Epidemics.
  • Number vaccinated.
  • Location of displaced camps.
  • Extent of damage (buildings damaged and destroyed, areas of flooding, amount of damage to roads and bridges, areas of drought, areas of civil strife, etc.).
  • Water supply and sanitation conditions.
  • Status of transportation systems for emergency response.
  • Short narrative on the overall situation.

3. Issues (political and others) arising or needing resolution and DART recommendations

4. DART activities since last report (sample types of infor-mation to report)
  • Number of DART members and their locations. (Note: At times, this information may be sensitive and should be treated appropriately.)
  • Assessment of activities by function or sector.
  • Accomplishments by function or sector (persons assisted, meetings attended, commodities received from OFDA stockpile or other shipments of U.S. Government [USG] donations, commodities distributed).
  • Estimated cost expended to date directly by the DART.
  • Coordination with other USG responders (USAIDMission, U.S. Embassy, Department of Defense).

5. Activities of others
  • Affected country.
  • Other donor countries.
  • United Nations, private voluntary organizations, nongovernmental organizations, and international organizations.

6. Actions requested of OFDA/W
  • Requests for personnel, equipment, supplies for DART.
  • Requests for relief commodities.
  • Status of previous requests (reference sitrep number).
  • Requests for information.
  • Answers to or status of issues raised previously (reference sitrep number).