The Rationale for Popular Itineraries

This chapter of the Yellow Book allows experts who have lived in or frequently visited particular destinations to share their insider’s knowledge of these places. Consider each of these sections to be a personal perspective on the area discussed. Editorial in nature and containing the author’s expressed opinions, they should not be taken as a prescription for pretravel care. Each section is intended to help a travel health provider feel more comfortable giving advice about a destination he or she may never have visited and to provide a level of detail about local attractions and risks not provided elsewhere in this book.
The following sections are among the most popular features of the Yellow Book . Space limitations prevent us from including all popular itineraries here, and the decision of which ones to add or remove is guided by volume of US travel, uniqueness of health risks, and other factors. In addition to the sections found in the print edition, readers can find more popular itineraries online: Cambodia, Egypt & Nile River Cruises, Guatemala and Belize, Iguaçu Falls, Jamaica, and Vietnam (

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